16 Oct 2017

The formula of Sergey Tantushyan's life and teaching

Sergey Tantoushyan does not match the classical ideas of the lecturer: he is for direct contact in all respects.


“This is an idiotic life,” Sergey Tantushyan, a lecturer at the American University of Armenia, gives such a characterization to the New York life after describing the details of it. Tantushyan, who lived and worked in New York and in Moscow, recalls the phrase “this is not a country”, based on the Armenian mentality. “I do not say we live in a perfect country, but you live in this country much better than you will live in those good countries. The category of ‘country’ is wrong, I guess, the right one is the category of ‘life’,” the AUA professor says.

Sergey Tantoushyan does not match the classical ideas of the lecturer: he is for direct contact in all respects. The most important thing is to show enthusiasm and dedication in everything. The stereotype that the lecturer's occupation begins and ends with the first and the last bell is considered the result of the Soviet heritage. “Students clearly understand when you are prepared and when not,” he emphasizes. Find the details of the conversation in the program “Hard Talk”.