06 Jun 2017

Shushan Doydoyan: Personal data and photos uploaded to the Internet are never deleted

Video surveillance - safety or invasion of privacy?


Nothing is forgotten on the Internet. Personal data and photos uploaded to the Internet are never deleted. Head at Personal Data Protection Agency Shushan Doydoyan stresses, if a person publishes photos or personal data, he should not be surprised to come across with them later in a search engine. “Today people publish anything to the social networks. Even if you share your personal data only with your friends, it cannot be excluded that your publications will be used by other people,” she notes.  

The head of the agency emphasizes, if you do not want your photos, personal data or photos of your children to be used for different purposes, then do not publish them. “We should not forget that these children will grow up and be ashamed for several photos that have become public domain, and will not be able to remove them from the Internet. Before publishing personal data or photos, think about it,” Shushan Doydoyan says.

Video surveillance is everywhere: cameras on roads, in schools, in public places ... safety or invasion of privacy? The answers to these questions in the "Questioning the Powerholder" program.