09 Jun 2018

The time of the Catholicos resignation came early on October 27, 1999 - Karen Petrosyan

We do not oppose the church, we are against the Catholicos.


The wave of changes in the country has reached the spiritual world. The members of the “New Armenia, New Patriarch” initiative demand the resignation of Karekin II. Why should the Catholicos resign? Is it the high time? Member of the coordinating group of “New Armenia, New Patriarch” initiative Karen Petrosyan, in response to this question, notes that the time came on October 27, 1999. “That is, from the very first day when Karekin II was elected the Catholicos owing to the suppressions and bribes,” he says.

“We do not oppose the church, as some priests say trying to please the Catholicos and to confuse people. We accept the consecration of all the bishops, this is our sacred duty, as it is the symbol of our church,” Karen Petrosyan emphasizes.

Describing our church Petros Petrosyan notes that we are a national church, and not that of the religious fanatics. “With our perception of the church, even the faithless ones are the children of our church․ Our church is an advocate of justice, the church’s propaganda is hope, faith, and love, which are supplemented by justice. How often have you seen today's Catholicos fight for justice against the government, fight for justice within international organizations, fight for his wayward children?” asks the member of the initiative. Find the details in the program “Paradigm”.