10 Mar 2018

In the footsteps of Putin's announcement: David Shahnazaryan’s commentary

New weapons of Russia - bluff or reality?


New weapons of Russia - bluff or reality? Discussing Putin’s recent announcement, senior analyst at the Regional Studies Center David Shahnazaryan notes that all these weapons have undergone at least several test phases. “I do not think they would bluff at such a high level. These projects are close to completion, and in a year or two I think that some of them will be given to the Russian Armed Forces,” he says.

The United States regards China as a comparable world power. Shahnazaryan mentions the words of the former US president, according to which Russia is a regional superpower. “This is a clear message not only for the United States, but for the whole world that we are not just a regional but a geopolitical unit,” analyst comments the words of RF President.

David Shahnazaryan believes that there is a pre-election component in Putin's message, although, as the analyst notes, no one doubts his victory. Find the details of the conversation in the program “Paradigm”.